В первый раз в жизни наткнулась на песню про смерть от сифилиса Оо Причем веселая такая песня...
Знакомьтесь, Pills of White Mercury (Таблетки с белой ртутью)
О докта, диа докта...
Текст, исходники, исполнители
Как она хороша
Ее наверно тоже качать буду... Голос *_*
Pills of White Mercury
As I was a walking by the banks of the Ugie
Come my dear friends and a story I'll relate
I spied a dear comrade all dressed in white flannel
Dressed in white flannel and cruel was his fate
The mercury was beating, the limestone was reeking
His tongue all inflamed hung over his chin
A hole in his bosom, his teeth were a closin'
Bad luck to the girl that had gi'ed him the Phlegm (flame?)
And had she but told me, oh when she dishonored me
Had she but told me of it in time
I might have been cured by those pills of white mercury
Now I am a young man cut down in my prime
My parents they warned me and oftimes they chided
With those young flash girls do not sport and play
But I never listened, no I never heeded
I just carried on in my own wicked way
It's down on the corner two flash girls were talking
One to the other did whisper and say
There goes that young man who once was so jolly
But now for his sins his own body must pay
Oh doctor, dear doctor before your departure
Take all these bottles of mercury away
And send for the minister to say a prayer over me
So they can put my poor body in the clay
Now get you six fellow to carry my coffin
Six pretty fair maids to bear up my pall
And give each of them there a bunch of red roses
So when they pass by me they'll not know the smell
Баллада - одна из вариаций "Streets of Laredo" (был такой фильм, и не один, но первый - 1949 года, и вообще это старая ковбойская песня, количество вариаций которой подсчитать уже невозможно), точнее - результат переработки "The Unfortunate Lad" (тоже старая песня, но на этот раз английская, там как раз про эти пилюли речь идет). Как эти две песни соотносятся между собой, я так и не поняла, вроде бы "Улицы Ларедо" более популярный вариант, отпочковавшийся от английских корней. По словам исполнителей, именно про пилюли они услышали у какой-то другой группы в Шотландии.
Streets of Laredo
As I walked out in the streets of Laredo
As I walked out in Laredo one day,
I spied a young cowboy, all wrapped in white linen
Wrapped up in white linen and cold as the clay.
"I see by your outfit, that you are a cowboy."
These words he did say as I slowly walked by.
"Come sit down beside me and hear my sad story,
For I'm shot in the breast, and I'm dying today."
"'Twas once in the saddle I used to go dashing,
'Twas once in the saddle I used to go gay.
First to the dram-house, and then to the card-house,
Got shot in the breast, and I'm dying today."
"Oh, beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly,
And play the dead march as you carry me along;
Take me to the valley, and lay the sod o'er me,
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong."
"Get six jolly cowboys to carry my coffin,
Get six pretty maidens to bear up my pall.
Put bunches of roses all over my coffin,
Roses to deaden the sods as they fall."
"Then swing your rope slowly and rattle your spurs lowly,
And give a wild whoop as you carry me along;
And in the grave throw me and roll the sod o'er me.
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong."
"Go bring me a cup, a cup of cold water.
To cool my parched lips", the cowboy then said.
Before I returned, his soul had departed,
And gone to the round up - the cowboy was dead.
We beat the drum slowly and played the fife lowly,
And bitterly wept as we bore him along.
For we loved our comrade, so brave, young and handsome,
We all loved our comrade, although he'd done wrong.
А еще почему-то "Когда б имел златые горы" вспоминается.
Голос *_* "Принцесса цирка".
The Unfortunate Lad
As I was a-walking down by the Lock Hospital
Dark was the morning and cold was the day,
When who should I spy but one of my comrades,
Draped in a blanket and cold as the clay.
Then beat the drums slowly and play the fifes lowly,
Sound the "Dead March" as you carry me along,
And fire your muskets right over my coffin,
For I'm a young soldier cut down in his prime.
Had she but told me when she did disorder me,
Had she but told me about it in time,
I might have got salts and pills of white mercury,
But now I'm cut down in the height of my prime.
Got six of my comrades to carry my coffin,
Six of my comrades to carry me on high,
And each of them carry a bunch of white roses,
So no-one may smell me as we pass them by.
On top of his tombstone these words they are written,
"All you young fellows take warning by me,
Keep away from them flash girls who walk in the city,
The girls of the city was the ruin of me.
Другого исполнения не нашла >_<
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